Proper Condominium Management

 I recently needed to properly understand what is proper condominium management and what exactly are the rules regarding a condo, a condo complex, a "gestionnaire" and an administrator.

 I did some research and bought a book called "Administrateur de condo - Tout ce qu'il faut savoir" written by Me Yves Papineau. Plus, I recently noted that Me Papineau wrote at least two other books on the same subject and so did Me Yves Jolicoeur.

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Condominium Management Services

 I need to protect myself against a scary and unqualified administrator who does not "have the requisite qualifications" and who is a control freak as in "someone who feels an obsessive need to exercise control over others and to take command". 

 A very unpleasant situation, especially since a well-managed co-ownership is meant to safeguard our investment and to provide each and everyone of us with a peaceful, secure and properly managed environment. 

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Condominium Association Management

 Montrealers can rely on Condo Legal, Council on co-ownership to "advise on the law and the management of condominiums in Quebec and on the RGCQ a Regroupement des gestionnaires et des copropriétaires du Québec.

 It is kind of reassuring to know that Condo Legal and the RGCQ are there to inform us and to protect us, owners of a condo unit and members of a condominium complex. Rules and regulations are set, and we must agree to follow each and everyone of them when we buy a condo unit but ...

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Condominiums Near Me

 How can we end an anguishing and taxing situation? How can we protect ourselves from a condo co-owner and administrator who is a control freak, who lacks knowledge, communication, collaboration, neutrality, fairness, and who clings and I mean CLINGS to her title?

 How can we fight incompetence without formally appealing? How can we get rid of an inadequate administrator in a condominium complex with only three condo units?  Where and how can we hire a qualified administrator and how much do condominium management companies charge? 

 Moving is presently the only solution but there should be legal alternatives such as proper and mandatory training, knowledge, professionalism, accountability and respect to co-owners from each and every administrator involved in a condominium property management 

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Condominium Property Management

 Buying and living in a condominium is like becoming a member of a private club. Condominium buildings have rules and regulations to follow and condo associations have (should have) policies that guarantee their accountability, efficiency, honesty, integrity and responsibility.

 Condo associations collect co-owners monthly fees, allocate expenses for insurance and for maintenance of common interior and exterior areas, structures and appliances. For major repairs, fees can vary, repairs can be expensive and condo owners may be assessed special fees to cover special costs.

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Condominium Management Services

II highly recommend author Yves Papineau, Ad. E. and his book entitled "Administrateur de Condo - Tout ce que vous devez savoir".  Me Papineau's book is divided into five (5) chapters and, although it does not claim to be exhaustive, it definitely helps better understand our rights and our responsibilities regarding co-ownership. 

 A condominium is a residential complex divided into separate condos owned by separate owners and surrounded by common areas jointly owned. When we buy a condo, we own a private unit registered in our name and we share ownership of common areas, those that are not documented as being part of each individual and private units.

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Condominium Association Management

 It is a first for me. It is the first time I recommend a book but it is definitely important that condo owners and those who plan to buy a condo are properly informed about the rights and the obligations associated with condo ownership and condo management. 

Montreal Kits
Proper Condominium Management

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