Montreal Kits Internet Business Ideas

Solo Build It! is a perfect road to Montreal Kits Internet Business Ideas and to internet business ideas, money and success. With SBI! Internet businesses, home businesses, all kinds of businesses and success starts with a unique business building process known as Content, Traffic, PREsell and Monetize.

A process further accompanied and further supported by a detailed Action Guide divided into 10 days or 10 important steps or 10 whatever suits you.

The SBI! Action Guide is about mastering all the important basics. SBI! reminds us that we are the architect of our own success and that anything we create must have a solid foundation. It also reminds us that success never comes easy and that we must be prepared for a lot to learn and a lot to do. 

DAY ONE guides us into mastering the e-business basics. During DAY 1 we learn about tools, research and our best site concept. We also learn about investigating our monetization options, creating our site blueprint, making sure our choice is viable, finding our niche and, eventually, registering our domain name. 

Earning Money on the Internet

Our e-business depends on many of the "best practices" recommended by Solo Build It! including my favorites, take your time, don't rush, work at your own pace, don't forget the money and succeed on your own terms.

DAY TWO is dedicated to finding and developing our best site concept. DAY 2 explains why our concept should be strong and in demand. A site concept that is not too broad, that excites us, that offers excellent monetization options and that corresponds to our available time.

At the end of DAY 2 we have examined the overall profitability of three (3) site concepts based on seven (7) specific factors and we have researched and compared the monetization potential of each of our three concepts.

Making Money on the Internet

DAY THREE helps us understand the scope of each of our search terms. Are our visitors looking for an information or, are they ready for a transaction? The difference is important. In my case, my search intent is first and foremost  "information" and the "transaction" part has been thoroughly researched.

During DAY 3 we build and refine a Site Content Blueprint and research profitable keywords with which to write valuable content. Content classified in Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 of our blueprint and, eventually, on our site.

On DAY FOUR, and based on the work already done on DAY 2 and DAY 3, we create a valuable site concept. On DAY 4 we get ready to deliver winning content and to explore various monetization options for our best Internet business ideas, money and success.

Montreal Kits Internet Business Ideas
Solo Build It! -The Process, the Tools, the Guidance, the Support

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