Two Montreal Blog e-Business Day 9 and Montreal Blog e-business 10 to write and to share along with a specific SBI! Solo Build It! e-business strategy that definitely helped me go through the anxiety that accompanies this pandemic, especially at its beginning.
Radio Canada keeps repeating "restez-chez vous" and I came to term with that but ... I can't say I like it. Many of us are "confined" but we're still alive so ... For now let's focus on sharing as many information as I can about Montreal and Montrealers, especially since many of you show an interest for which I warmly and sincerely thank you.
Montreal Blog e-businesses from 1 to 7 are a lot about building an e-business STRATEGY and website, while e-businesses from 8 to 10 are a lot about MONETIZING all this great content we've created so far and all the interesting and relevant information we've supplied.
An e-business Day 9 that starts with visitors who come to our site, who leave our site along with a specific knowledge we need to acquire and a traffic we need to analyze.
There are many ways to receive traffic and, we must we understand and monitor each and every parts of our traffic, our referrals and our visitors. Especially since we don't know much about this traffic except that these visitors have a certain interest for our content.
Since traffic is also about visitors eventually leaving our content pages, we need to make sure that, before they leave they either click on a link, fill in a form, subscribe to our newsletter or buy any of the products or services offered by many Montreal Kits sponsors.
We want satisfied visitors, contended customers, returning visitors and loyal customers who want more of our great content and of our "fantastic" offers and who keep increasing our popularity.
The SBI! Traffic Stats module with its monthly and daily stats enables each and everyone of us to monitor our traffic and to reach our goals.
Daily averages and monthly totals with information such as daily and monthly visits to our site, daily and monthly visitors and daily and monthly visited pages. By comparing our monthly "summaries" we are able to
see growth in our site's traffic and to correct whatever needs to be corrected such as few visits and few visitors.
Then we go to our "Daily Statistics" and check our most prominent pages, our most popular entry pages, our most frequent exit pages, our mobile statistics, our URLs referrers and our keyword search. Countries are also available and, in a global point of view, it's a rather interesting information.
Traffic is our lifeblood and traffic stats is what enable us to constantly make sure our content "gets the click." Traffic statistics that tell us about what's working and what's not.
A Solopreneur like you and me are counting on search engines traffic to send a lot if not most of our traffic to our site, along with a Montreal Kits e-business Day 9 we need to fully understand and then to put it into good use.
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