Montreal Kits DAY 10

 This is it, this is Montreal Kits Day 10, the last of the SBI! Solo Build It! Action Guide. DAY 10 is when we determine whether we and our website are ready to monetize and to turn traffic into income. 

 Some SBIers worry that "selling" may be pushy and feel they should be delivering more and more free information to please their audience. We call this a HOBBY not a BUSINESS says SBI! and I have to agree.

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 Most people who start an online business want to "make money" but most SBIers would rather provide solutions for profit. We spend lots of time OVERdelivering excellent content and then we aim at OVERdelivering our customers' products and services in accordance with the needs and wants of our visitors.

Your Day 10 With SBI!

 During DAY 4, I looked at different ways of assessing who my visitors might be but I still have to develop a clearer picture of my typical and ideal visitor.

 I know they mostly come from United States, Canada and France which makes a lot of sense for obvious reasons. I would have liked Great Britain to be number 4 instead of number 11 but social media could make this happen.

 I also know that my visitors are interested in everything related to the Island of Montreal and to each of its 16 cities including the City of Montreal and its 19 boroughs.

 They also seem to be curious about how both our Island and our City operate and how they are organized. Judging from the popularity of some of my pages, they seem to be interested in employment, real estate, schools and universities, commercial streets, public transportation...

 This is good because this is precisely what I want to do. This site is called Montreal Kits as in a "set of things" and it could have been called "Comment ça marche Montréal" because this is exactly what this site is all about, how a city, our city works, is how is it organized.

DIY Day 10

 Now it's time to be cool and wait until it's worth monetizing. But, I haven't developed any social content and deepened the like and trust of my brand yet. A social media presence to add trust in my knowledge and to promote my brand.

 This is Day 10 and my potential visitors and customers are now asking for more. They like my information and they visit my website, over and over again. They seem to trust me and to have confidence in my knowledge and my experience.

 What they don't do yet, is ask questions by email, sign up to my newsletter and engage with my social media posts because none of this has been done yet. Then again, there's no need to postpone it further. I trust my site, I did a decent job and I am now prepared and ready to introduce it to all those interested.

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Monetize on Day 10

 This is it. This is the end of Montreal Kits from DAY 1 to DAY 10 series. The end of a series but the beginning of the rest of my business life and yours, should you decide to Site Build It! using SBI! Solo Build It! Action Guide. 

 I now have to build a website that earns an income and, over the coming months and years, I will continue to build upon the skills I acquired and make sure I convert this site into a profitable and interesting business.

 By the way, SBI! Solo Build It! is a lot more than just an Action Guide. Have a look, you won't be disappointed. That said, I thank you for your interest. It was nice talking to you. Take care. RLB

Montreal Kits DAY 10

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