Montreal Business Manners 8
Montreal Kits business manners 8 as in culture issues and the work done to increase the visibility of our minorities in managerial positions.
- Individualism is deeply anchored in our way of thinking and acting.
- The bonds between Montrealers are neither narrow nor permanent.
- Montrealers help each other but the solidarity of the group is not as important as our individuality.
- Our climate and our famous "grands espaces canadiens" contributed to our individualism.
- Business hierarchy is based on the rank of a person and not on whether it is a man or a woman.
- Introductions are made while standing up and first names and surnames are used.
- We introduce a person of a lower rank to a person of a higher rank.
- Introductions can serve as ice-breakers.
- By adding the title of a person, the name of his or her company, the country of origin or a pastime, you facilitate the encounter of the two persons you just introduced.
- The Charter of the French Language, Bill 101 adopted in 1977 is a law that defines French as the only official language in the province of Quebec.
- The preamble of the Charter states that French is the official language of government, law and normal language of work, education, communication and business.
- Our Official Languages Act came into force in 1988 and sets the three basics objectives of the Government of Canada.
- 1st to ensure respect for English and French as the official languages of Canada.
- 2nd to ensure equality of status.
- 3rd to ensure equal rights and privileges as to the use of both languages in all federal institutions.
You know you are a Montrealer when:
- Everyone on the streets - drivers, pedestrians, cyclists - think they are immortal and that you will move first.
- For two weeks every year you are a Montreal International Jazz Festival aficionado.
- You know that the West Island is not a separate geographical formation.
- The most exciting thing about the South Shore is that you can turn right on a red light.
- You refer to Mont-Tremblant as "up North".
- There has to be at least 30 cm of snow on the ground in less than 24 hours for you to consider it too snowy to drive.
- You know the difference between the SQ, the SAQ and the SAAQ.
- You understand that "La Fête Nationale" is not the celebration of "Quebec's Birthday".
- You know that Rocket Richard has nothing to do with astrophysics and, you are a Habs fan, always was, always will.
- We have a hard time remembering names and surnames we are not familiar with.
- We will probably ask you to suggest a shortened or an easier way to address you.
- Discussing the situation does not cause any problem, on the contrary.
A visible minority employment status comparable to the employment status of women who, unfortunately, still have to face a similar "glass ceiling" and various barriers to their professional advancement.
Situations where cultural competence and many different business manners 8 and gestures can and does bring valuable and precise insights.
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Montreal Business Manners 8
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