Graveyard AND Botanical Garden

 A graveyard and botanical garden as in a Graveyard called Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise and as in a Botanical Garden called Espace pour la vie - Space for Life. A mixture of two very harmonious, very peaceful and very beautiful environments with birds, squirrels, flowers, trees, grass, benches, colors and peace.

550x749Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise
550x413Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x413Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x555Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x413Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x733Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x733Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x733Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x574Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x614Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x488Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x733Photo RLB - Le Jardin Botanique de Montréal
550x742Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François D'Assise
550x480Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise
550x400Photo RLB - Le Repos Saint-François d'Assise

 Two natural green environments that enabled me and many others to relax, to put aside the COVID-19, at least for a while, and to profit from two exceptional and two remarkable surroundings.

 A worldwide health crisis with its many dangers and consequences followed by newly found tests, treatments and vaccines and by various de-confinement stages. End of a chapter, beginning of a new and highly different and more pleasant one.

Montreal Kits
Graveyard and Botanical Garden

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