Shopping Trends
Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace shopping trends on as many as twelve important and busy commercial streets.
de la Côte-des-Neiges Road
- between de la Côte-Ste-Catherine Road and du Frère- André Street
- parts of Lacombe, Gatineau and Swail Avenues
Darlington Avenue
- between Bates Road and Van Horne Avenue
Décarie Boulevard
- between de la Côte-St-Antoine Road and the limits of the City of Mount-Royal
Jean-Talon Street
- between Décarie Boulevard and de Dieppe Avenue
Monkland Avenue
- between Girouard Avenue and Grand Boulevard
Map of the City of Montreal
Queen Mary Road
- between Ponsard Avenue and Clanranald Avenue
Saint-Jacques Street
- between Décarie Boulevard and Elmhurst Avenue
Sherbrooke West Street
- between Grey Avenue and Cavendish Boulevard
Somerled Avenue
- between Grand Boulevard and Walkley Avenue
Upper-Lachine Road
- between Girouard Avenue and St-Jacques Street
Van Horne Avenue
- between Lemieux Street and Lavoie Street
Victoria Avenue
- between Jean-Talon Street and Édouard-Montpetit Boulevard
Montreal Kits
Shopping Trends
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