Montreal business hotels amenities as in all the services and all the amenities business travelers like to have, those that enable them to enjoy their stay and to be highly productive.
Services such as a 24-hour business center with online access and comfortable seating, amenities such as meeting rooms and in-house catering along with Montreal business amenities hotel close to our business districts and commuting facilities.
The primary purpose of a hotel is to provide shelter, food, refreshment and services. Hotels that range from inns to motels and from basic facilities to elaborate and luxury complexes such as resorts, spas and convention hotels.
Business hotels that, at the least, offer a conference room and/or a meeting room, catering services, recreation facilities, comfortable beds, high speed wireless Internet connection, adequate security and concierge services.
Other facilities and guests services include a spa, a swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, a poolside bar, an outdoor restaurant and, of course, a car parking.
A business class hotel room with a stylish work desk, office style chairs, a nice surrounding space and a comfortable area to send emails and finish preparing your presentation.
Then again, other business guests prefer the 24 hour hotel business center with its comfortable seating, computers, online access and office services such as being able to print documents and make copies.
A fitness center to reduce stress and stay healthy, concierge services and a highly valuable source of information and, a communal space for a change in scenery and for great networking with like-minded guests.
Business women have other priorities than men when it comes to hotel services. Safety always comes first, especially at night, and is non-negotiable.
Business women want to be able to walk down short and well lit corridors to reach their room and, they want to be able to lock their door in a fully secure manner. Women who also like fresh flowers.
A business woman hotel must be easily accessed by car or by taxi. She must be able to go to each of her appointments and return to her hotel without having to wander around and search for transport.
That said, business women expect a certain level of quality and comfort during their stay. Amenities such as shower with jets and a massage function, a dressing gown, an hairdryer.
Women travelers who often forget to pack items such as deodorant, makeup remover, sunscreen lotion so, finding a kit of essentials is always welcomed and always appreciated.
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